Thursday, October 18, 2012

You Get What You Deserve

Again I hear people repeating portions of comments with a spin to ridicule the person speaking. Its not new and both sides have been guilty. We the people should not repeat it however. Does anyone truly believe Romney was talking about the undergarment type binder when he made the statement regarding his search for qualified female candidates? I doubt it but it does raise emotions and get uninformed, slow thinking people to jump on the "Republicans hate women" bandwagon. It seems one side is following the plam of throwing enough pooh against the wall and some of it will stick. The more you throw, the more will stick. Quantity, not quality matters. Those of us who try to make informed decisions naturally become annoyed when so many people repeat things they hear as if they are true. If they are fans of Honey Boo Boo they will be voting for Obama since she endorsed him. It doesn't matter if that person knows what the issues are. Celebrities are having an increasing influence on everyday people. Maybe it is because too many have become confused by the constant half truths. Perhaps they are time-challenged and don't make an attempt to check facts or the record before forming an opinion. The unfortunate thing is we all have to live with the results. Although both sides have reason to be frustrated we should not give up and let our future be determined by those who base their opinions on unimportant or incorrect information and political ads.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

A Duck Is a Duck Although Politically Incorrect

Why do we confuse the issues with trying to word things so carefully as to not offend? Afterall, a duck is a duck and calling it so doesn't signal bias but more often truth. There are a few points all citizens should review before casting their vote. First, isn't it necessary to ask questions to get to the bottom of a problem? Why then has the questioning been attacked as "politicizing" a tragedy when it comes to the Libyan attack? Should we not want to know what happened as soon as possible rather put it off until after the election? If there was a breakdown in communication or intelligence, don't the employees of the State Department and the citizen of this country deserve to know and make a deterimination as to whether we still have confidence in our leaders? As far as who called the attack what, aren't all acts of violence considered acts of terror? How any people think acts of terror has the same meaning as terrorist attack? Is is possible the administration was hesitant to admit in the country we were instrumental in removing the leader by force even though we had no idea who would fill the power vacuum has proven to be more dangerous for our ambassador than under the former leader? What does that say about our decision to get involved. Keep in mind, Khadafi had begun cooperating with the civilized world by turning over his biological weapons and accepting UN inspections? The other point is about throwing accusations around for the sake of vote getting. Many have heard the saying "you can retrieve a pebble once it is cast upon the water but you can never stop the ripples." Ads often say deplorable things about candidates and usually they are stretching the truth or downright lying. Claims that a candidate hates women or doesn't care about seniors need to be looked at with skepticism and not accepted as truth. Of course so any false statements were published in the early months of the campaign, continuing through now that even though people are finally hearing the other side of the story, many have been so influenced by the bias reporting, they may be unable to make an indipendent choice. It happens so often. Last year George Zimmerman was portrayed as a racist vigilante with no proof. ABCedited 911 calls and people on the street were asked to comment with little if any facts offered. The damage to his reputation has been done. At least in a court of law there will have to be evidence presented, not just spin. Unfortunately the election will not have the benifit of a truth trial prior to people casting votes. As responsible citizens we should all make an effort to hear both sides of the issues, do independent reading and not take celebrity endorsements as gospel truth.

Friday, September 14, 2012

The Path We Are On

It isn’t attacks against America? What planet are you on Obama? Yes, they are attacks on the United States. Perhaps these uncivilized heathens are using the movie and a good excuse to do what they have been wanting to do since the beginning. You know the type. Just like the uncivilized, ill-mannered unkempt illiterate people that populate many of our inner cities; any excuse to do what comes naturally to them. Break, burn steal, kill. Vent that frustration and blame the people who have risen above the madness. It is the civilized people’s fault that some people are poor, unable to find work. They are just trying to get their version of justice, Apparently Obama really believes his own bullshit. Radicals are out of control and no amount of patting them on the head and saying sweetly in their ear that we understand is going to change the deep seeded evil that dwells in their hearts. Keep pretending it will all be better if we all tried to get along. Where have you been the last 200 years? Wasn’t our purpose as a nation to live free and have equal rights for everyone. Apparently now we just have to keep paying a debt owed many generation ago. The decedents of those discriminated against are lining there pockets off the sweat and blood of their forefathers and we are stupid enough to let it continue. Yes we are weak to the outside world. They look at how we behave in our own country and see no difference with their behavior. There will be no repercussions We don’t have the backbone anymore and we are not on the right side. Yes there are sides. Don’t be naïve!!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

What Was Really Said

Although the statement "legitimate rape" canbe offensive to rape victims if you look at the facts honestly people should admit they know of times when a young girl, 13, 14 year old, becomes pregnant and because she is scared of what her parents will do, claims to be raped. Don't deny this happens. Also, I personally was taught by a high school teacher that when being raped, the body produces chemicals that can prevent pregnancy.Supposedly the fear factor plays some part in this phenomenon. Whether or not this is true, I don't know. I have never seen studies to prove or disprove the claim. If Mr. Akin heard these teachings I can understand why he may have repeated them. He did not preach the theory as fact, just as theory. Another point people seem to overlook in order to bolster their which hunt is if a rape victim seeks medical attention, there IS a way to prevent pregnancy. If all of this information was replayed as often as the comment taken out of context I believe there would have been much less upheavel. This is where I have a problem with the news outlets repeat over and over until the public is whipped into a frenzy. What happened to even cursory investigating. Do we know how many pregnacies result from rape? I'm not saying Mr. Akin should not have chosen his words more carefully but I do not believe his remarks should be repeated in a such a way as to make him sound like he believes women ask to be raped or make up rape allegations regularly. This does happen and if we were honest, we'd admitit. I can assure you anyone in that class with me remembers hearing the same story about our boies ability to release chemicals to help prevent conception. The media should have done some checking. The woman on CNN could not provide any statistic on how many rape reuly in pregnancy but was given a pass since her stance if more acceptalbe although not necessarily accurate. The media is just as guilty as the candidates for dividing the country. It is there job to be objective and not present stories in such a way that it furthers their own personal aggenda. As long as there is no integrity in reporting, campaigning and candidates, the electorate will have a difficult time deciding who may be better for the office of presidency. The president should not be looking for power. He should be lookiging for ways to improve the lives of everyone. Compromise must happen and personal attacks on people without knowing the details puts that further out of reach and prevent us from attaining our mutual goals.